

So Long, Farewell - 11:25 a.m. , September 22, 2005

Louie - 11:43 p.m. , September 17, 2005

Asthma - 11:24 p.m. , August 23, 2005

Grateful - 12:10 a.m. , August 21, 2005

Books and Stuff - 10:44 p.m. , July 10, 2005

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January 13, 2003 - 1:07 a.m.
Josh Groban

I have applied for a new job. Shoe department at Nordstrom's. Wish me luck. If I have to stay at my current job, I swear I will go insane. I hate it when people have no faith in me. I also do not enjoy manual labor and acting as the store janitor. Why? Because that is not my job, and I don't get paid enough to do it.

In older news, I can now say that I have officially say that I have seen real live hookers and drag queens. Thank you San Francisco. (These observations were made when Sam and I went there for New Year's.)

For those who enjoy beautiful music...Josh Groban is a god. The man is simply amazing.

And while I'm being random, it's weird writing in here again. It's been ages after all. It'll be easier now that my new phone line is up and running. No thanks to Pacific Bell, of course. Evil turds.

Enough of my rambling though. I'm tired.

then - now

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