

So Long, Farewell - 11:25 a.m. , September 22, 2005

Louie - 11:43 p.m. , September 17, 2005

Asthma - 11:24 p.m. , August 23, 2005

Grateful - 12:10 a.m. , August 21, 2005

Books and Stuff - 10:44 p.m. , July 10, 2005

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2001-06-13 - 11:15 p.m.
It's been 3 years already!

I've been noticing how since the trip, my life's gotten really boring. Like today, for example. I worked. I was bored beyond words because the store was *super* slow. After work, I came home, had some lunch and hung out for a while. Then I got my stuff together and headed to the studio. I watched ballet and Kimberly, Shauna, and I dissected this new girl's technique. She just came over from the "more serious" ballet studio and was in a high level over there. However, she has a lot of technical issues to work out. Poor girl. Let's see...then we had group pictures. I took individuals in one of my costumes. I had to groups that I had to wear pointe shoes in, and my Achilles now hates me. Tremendously.

I may go to graduation at my old high school tomorrow. My sister was supposed to have a candle party, but no one's going so she's cancelling it. That leaves me with an open evening, and one of the girls at work is graduating. So I might go. Speaking of graduation, I was thinking about this today. It's so strange and depressing that I've been out of high school for three years already. Three years! I don't feel like I've accomplished anything of importance. I'm feeling old...and I need sleep.


then - now

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