

So Long, Farewell - 11:25 a.m. , September 22, 2005

Louie - 11:43 p.m. , September 17, 2005

Asthma - 11:24 p.m. , August 23, 2005

Grateful - 12:10 a.m. , August 21, 2005

Books and Stuff - 10:44 p.m. , July 10, 2005

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January 17, 2005 - 12:16 p.m.
Hole Count: 2

So I've been knitting a little bit each day and...I have another hole. I think I'm accidently dropping stitches or something. Oh well. My future, weirdly-shaped scarf (as I have decided that I don't want to make this a pot holder as Sam suggested) will have at least two holes. At least I'm getting more comfortable in the process, and no longer feel like I have arthritis in my right hand from grabbing the needle to tight. And can you imagine? It's actually easier when you're not gripping your equipment for dear life.
In other news, I finished the ninth Lemony Snicket book last night, and I don't have the last two, so this morning I moved on to Lamb by Christopher Moore, about Jesus' lost years. I've only read a few pages, but I really like his writing style.
Tomorrow, at the very ass crack of dawn, I am picking up two of my co-workers at Origins, Christine and Natalie, and we're going to San Francisco for three days of training. It actually sounds pretty fun, and I think we'll be getting free stuff, on top of getting paid for it, so I'm not complaining too much. On the down side though, I'm thinking of getting a different job. It's not that I don't like Origins. I actually think it's great. I like the products and the people I work with and everything. But I'm not getting very many hours. It's mostly because of my availability, so I think I'm going to submit my resume to Wells Fargo. They had two listings for Sacramento on their website. It's worth a shot, and I seriously need to start making more money.

then - now

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