

So Long, Farewell - 11:25 a.m. , September 22, 2005

Louie - 11:43 p.m. , September 17, 2005

Asthma - 11:24 p.m. , August 23, 2005

Grateful - 12:10 a.m. , August 21, 2005

Books and Stuff - 10:44 p.m. , July 10, 2005

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April 23, 2003 - 10:25 p.m.
Buh-Bye Carmen

Time sure does fly when you're not updating your diary. I so did not realize it's been two weeks already. My life's been its usual boring self though, so I didn't feel I had anything to share. A couple of things of note happened, I guess. I had a meeting with Kimberly to ask her advice on my whole school dilemma. Sadly, she told me the very thing I did not want to hear (but expected to). Just stick with the school thing, because people will approve of my pretty, pretty paper on the wall. I guess I'll have to hold off on strangling Dale until after I'm done.

Speaking of school, I sat down the other night, and planned out my next two semesters. I don't expect to enjoy them at all, but I guess that's life. And naturally, Dale made scheduling required classes a total bitch. Anyway, if all goes according to plan, I'll be out of here in three semesters. Just long enough to secure my place in the world of retail, because by that time, I'll be ancient AND have no technique, courtesy of the Sac State dance department. I still have a year and a half to change my mind, but for right now, I've decided that I will not be walking across the stage when it comes time for me to graduate. I don't see the point.

Finally, in news NOT related to school, Sam and I went to the Zwan concert in San Francisco last night. It was fun. The random members of the audience who decided to stand up and dance were quite entertaining. Most notable were FroBoy, The Disciple, and The Cheerleader.

Oh, and Carmen got voted off American Idol tonight. It's about time. Paula, by the way, looked very cute tonight. She had the prettiest top on. For those of you who actually care.

And...that's all. Tootles.

then - now

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